Purposeful Volunteer Work- Reflections from a Volunteer
SILO is an organization that gave me the opportunity to give back to the community in many ways. SILO was first introduced to me when Ed Herr gave a speech at my college. He implored us to “love others in all we do.” Years later I was invited to the annual Snow Ball, which brought me closer to this loving organization. From then on, I wanted to become involved. As I joined SILO, I found that love whenever Andrea has a project; it brings such joy to love others in small and large ways. Andrea, Rob, and I worked to clear a woman’s home of unwanted bushes and trees. Knowing that we made a lasting impact in this woman’s life gives me great inspiration for all of the other projects that we can complete. From helping the homeless, to intense yard work; there is no need too great for this wonderful organization, that I am blessed to be apart of.
-Stephen Beaver