Snow Ball 2022
Cozying-In at Home

Snow Ball is SILO’s primary “fun”draiser. This will be our 10th year hosting the often- anticipated party. Instead of dressing up in costumes and meeting each other on the dance floor, this year we will be cozying-in at home. Together, we’ll walk down memory lane as we reminisce about past Snow Ball fundraisers. Supporters of this year’s Snow Ball will receive a “Cozy at Home Box”. Inside will be goodies to make your evening warm and memorable.


Home Videos and Chill

View Tonights TV Guide Here!

Cuddle up and join us to watch a video about SILO’s work in the community and a nostalgic look at past Snow Balls.

Ready to make your pizza?

View Playlist of Past Snow Balls!

2022 Sponsorship Levels:

Couch Potatoe, $5,000

Make a cozy night-in for you AND someone else. 

Everything needed for a cozy night at home for 8 adults: four “Cozy at Home” boxes*, four centerpieces. Delivery of Snow Ball boxes to up to 4 locations. PLUS, four “Cozy at Home” boxes delivered to 8 SILO friends who could use support. Presented by… logo will appear on screen for an extended portion of the video. Sponsoring business or family will have name announced in video, with logo on Snow Ball webpage, event program and two exclusive promoted social media mentions. Optional benefit: quote or recorded response to “Why do you support SILO?” included in video and social media.

Recliner, $3,000

Everything needed for a cozy night at home for 8 adults: four “Cozy at Home” boxes*, four centerpieces. Delivery of Snow Ball boxes to up to 4 locations. Presented by… logo will appear on screen for an extended portion of the video. Sponsoring business or family will have name announced in video with logo on Snow Ball webpage, event program and exclusive promoted social media mention. Optional benefit: quote or recorded response to “Why do you support SILO?” included in video and social media.

Love Seat Lounger, $2,000

Everything needed for a cozy night at home for 6 adults: three “Cozy at Home” boxes*, three centerpieces. Delivery of Snow Ball boxes to up to 3 locations. Sponsoring business or family will have name announced in video with logo in video, Snow Ball webpage, event program and promoted shared social media mention.

Futon Relaxer, $1,000

Everything needed for a cozy night at home for 4 adults: two “Cozy at Home” boxes*, one centerpiece. Delivery of Snow Ball boxes to one location. Sponsoring business or family will have name announced in video, on Snow Ball webpage, in event program and in a shared social media mention.

Wingback Observer, $500

Everything needed for a cozy night at home for 2: one “Cozy at Home” box*, one centerpiece. Pick up of Snow Ball box. Sponsoring business or family will have name listed in video and event program.

Bean Bag Cuddler, $250

Everything needed for a cozy night at home for 2 included in one “Cozy at Home” box*. Pick up of Snow Ball box.

Donations/ Other

Can’t make it to Snow Ball 2022, but want to donate anyway?
Donate an amount of your choosing

Donations/ Other

Can’t make it to Snow Ball 2022, but want to donate anyway?
Donate an amount of your choosing

Thank you to our 2022 Snow Ball Sponsors!


Ed and Diane Herr

Magers Family Charitable Trust


Chuck and Karen Evans

Dolingers and McKinneys

Dave Eldreth Studio


Daryl and Martha Thomas

Don Dixon



Danny Hulse and Mary Buchner Hulse

Don Cartusciello

Robinson/Menzel/Maguire family

Friends of SILO

Dennis and Dorothy Byrne

Pauline Garcia-Allen and John Allen

Alluring Images

Bruce and Kathy Book 

Wide Range Contracting

Nella Naturals

Funds raised from this special event help SILO to:
  • Deliver meals, groceries and hygiene supplies to neighbors effected by COVID
  • Build and install raised vegetable garden beds, providing self sufficiency and food stability in friends’ back yards.
  • Provide friendship and support to those going through challenging circumstances.
  • Support homeless friends with physical needs such as food, heat and secure housing.