Easter Dinner – April 16

As part of our mission to serve, inspire, and love others, SILO gathers folks from the Oxford community together for a free meal on the third Saturday of every month. 

Here we are getting ready to serve our April Easter Feast:


Though Saturday brought weather that was far less than hospitable, with tornado watches and torrential rains, we had about 50 friends who braved the elements to fellowship with us.

Here are some of our brave friends who arrived soaking wet, but enjoyed the meal and the egg coloring and Easter crafts after they dried off:


We had far fewer attendees than what we had anticipated, but we took advantage of the opportunity to spend more quality time with each other, getting to know each other a little better. We were blessed by a number of friends who responded to our invitation to help prepare for the meal and to clean up afterward. It was great to spend time together, eat together, and serve together! 

But, oh the leftovers! We sent take-out boxes brimming with leftovers home with our guests to share with their friends and families. It is always special to send folks home with something to share. . .

But, we still had enough left over to distribute the next day! When the clouds broke on Sunday morning, we gathered in a local home for a time of reflection and devotion, and we assembled lunches with the remainder of the leftovers. . .



 .  . . packed them in our car. . .


. . . and delivered them to folks who didn’t make the meal:


It was amazing how quickly these free lunches disappeared and how big the smiles were! We had so much fun that we decided to do Easter breakfast deliveries this week!

So…if you’d like some pancakes on Sunday, look for us out on the town…or if you’d like to help make and serve them up, just let us know!

Special thanks to our friends at CLC for donating the hams and yams for the meal, and to the Oxford Senior Center for the space.

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