Homeless Care Prevention
Homeless Prevention, Diversion, Emergency Housing and Rapid Re-Housing
The goal of SILO’s Emergency Assistance program is to ensure no one in the Oxford community is experiencing housing insecurity.
Many Oxfordians struggle to maintain financial solvency, despite employment and resigned themselves to cutting back on useful services (like insurance or groceries) to afford rent. When an inevitable challenge enters their life, they have no financial reserves built, sending them into a financial crisis. For most, an emergency is all it took to destabilize their housing – the death of a partner, divorce, a medical condition or injury. For others, suffering from a mental illness complicates their ability to maintain housing and employment.
Rental costs in Oxford have rapidly increased, while wages have not proportionally increased. Many Oxfordians experience housing cost burden and are paying more than 30% of their income for housing. Rising rental costs means more people are at risk of losing stable housing. Last year, SILO observed a 250% spike in the number of requests for housing assistance. We predict an increased need for housing assistance and are responding to the urgent situation by expanding capacity to address existing and growing needs.

SILO is at the forefront of the effort to stabilize housing for the most vulnerable in southern Chester County.

SILO compassionately comes alongside those suffering from homelessness to offer support and rehousing opportunities.
Someone does not experience homelessness long in Oxford before staff have visited them, taken them out for a hot meal and learned about their unique situation. On the same day, staff make calls to partner agencies to arrange a shower and night in a shelter. Some friends are hesitant to go to a shelter and SILO continues supporting their basic needs and ensure their safety. If interested, staff begins the process to find permeant housing and accompanies friends as they navigate services from various agencies, offering rides, encouragement and support through an unfamiliar process.
SILO supports unhoused friends via:
- Street outreach- Identifying, engaging, befriending and helping literally homeless friends living in their car, tent, shed, street or other places not meant for human habitation in Oxford
- Trauma- informed rehousing case management– Conducting a needs assessment and problem-solving conversations create a collaborative plan
- Financial Assistance– Removing financial obstacles to exiting homelessness while simultaneously helping friends acquire a job or improve their income

SILO compassionately comes alongside those suffering from homelessness to offer support and rehousing opportunities.
Many of those requesting support from SILO never needed financial assistance before and are hesitant to request help. SILO’s unique approach to building relationships and trust means we hear from friends on the verge of losing their housing. This early detection of housing instability means we are able to address housing needs quickly before they become an emergency.
SILO supports friends in jeopardy of losing their existing housing via:
- Relationship building- Discovering “invisible” housing needs in Oxford through ongoing relationships with the most vulnerable
- Housing stability case management- Providing housing stabilization services to prevent an individual or family from entering the emergency shelter system
- Financial Assistance- Providing emergency rental and utility assistance to secure and stabilize housing and prevent homelessness
Last year, SILO’s Emergency Assistance program helped:
- A single homeless woman had been living in her truck for a year since her husband died and she lost her home. SILO helped her find an apartment and provided the deposit and first month’s rent. SILO also helped her find a job to sustain her new apartment
- A young man fell off a roof in a work accident, suffering significant back injury and was unable to work for months. SILO helped cover his rent to ensure his physical recovery and housing stability.
- A homeless single mom with two kids received hotel accommodations.
- Car repairs meant a single mom of four got behind on rent. SILO helped her catch up.
- A single homeless man was living out of his truck. SILO arranged with partner agencies for him to shower, camp and receive needed mental health care. SILO then helped him find a job and a room.
SILO empowers and restores independent living to friends who have lost or were on the cusp of losing housing. SILO’s Emergency Assistance program constantly innovates to address the evolving needs in our community, doing whatever is needed to stabilize friends’ housing.
SILO never gives up on our homeless and near homeless friends. Our patient, committed and often tenacious approach to rehousing ensures regular success for our imminently homeless friends. SILO staff are results driven, not stopping until our friends have decent, stable and safe housing.